large bouquet of white spray roses photo
Buy a Bouquet "Spring Freshness" with delivery Chisinau, Moldova -
large bouquet of white spray roses photo
Buy a Bouquet "Spring Freshness" with delivery Chisinau, Moldova -

Bouquet "Spring Freshness"

The "Spring Freshness" bouquet is a charming composition of elegant white spray roses. Its design embodies the brightness and renewal of spring, making it an ideal choice for a birthday, anniversary, or simply to bring joy to someone special. The light and fresh look of the arrangement adds sophistication to any event.

MDL 1,930
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The "Spring Freshness" bouquet is a charming composition of elegant white spray roses. Its design embodies the brightness and renewal of spring, making it an ideal choice for a birthday, anniversary, or simply to bring joy to someone special. The light and fresh look of the arrangement adds sophistication to any event.

Data sheet

Flowers in the bouquet: