bouquet of peach spray roses photo
bouquet of peach spray roses photo

Buchet "Beige Shimmer"


The "Beige Shimmer" bouquet is like a gentle sunset on a seaside, softly shimmering in creamy tones. Everything about it is perfect – its warmth, hints of romance, and sparkle. This bouquet will fill your loved ones' hearts with joyful memories. An ideal gift for a birthday, anniversary, wedding, romantic date, or even without any special reason.

MDL 1,550
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The "Beige Shimmer" bouquet is like a gentle sunset on a seaside, softly shimmering in creamy tones. Everything about it is perfect – its warmth, hints of romance, and sparkle. This bouquet will fill your loved ones' hearts with joyful memories. An ideal gift for a birthday, anniversary, wedding, romantic date, or even without any special reason.

Data sheet

Flowers in the bouquet: