Bright bouquet of spray pink roses with daisies photo
Bright bouquet of spray pink roses with daisies photo

Silvia Pink with Daisies


Silvia Pink is the most popular variety of peony-shaped spray roses. It is considered a symbol of luxury and perfection, captivating even the most discerning connoisseurs. Combined with daisies, it creates a playful and romantic mood, perfect for bringing joy to the recipient.

Bouquet composition:

  • Pink peony-shaped spray roses
  • Daisies
MDL 1,550
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Silvia Pink is the most popular variety of peony-shaped spray roses. It is considered a symbol of luxury and perfection, captivating even the most discerning connoisseurs. Combined with daisies, it creates a playful and romantic mood, perfect for bringing joy to the recipient.

Bouquet composition:

  • Pink peony-shaped spray roses
  • Daisies

Data sheet

Flowers in the bouquet: