bouquet of pink spray roses in kraft paper photo
bouquet of pink spray roses in kraft paper photo

Bouquet of Pink Spray Roses


The elegance of pink spray roses paired with eco-friendly kraft paper packaging symbolizes tenderness, love, grace, simplicity, and sustainability. The vibrant shades of the flowers and their refined presentation make it a universal choice for a romantic surprise, a festive greeting, or a simple way to express your feelings. Its elegant style will please both a loved one and a colleague, highlighting your attention and care.

MDL 1,590
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The elegance of pink spray roses paired with eco-friendly kraft paper packaging symbolizes tenderness, love, grace, simplicity, and sustainability. The vibrant shades of the flowers and their refined presentation make it a universal choice for a romantic surprise, a festive greeting, or a simple way to express your feelings. Its elegant style will please both a loved one and a colleague, highlighting your attention and care.

Data sheet

Flowers in the bouquet: