Bouquet with soap roses and sweets photo
Bouquet with soap roses and sweets photo

Tasty Bouquet "Bright Present"

A "chocolate sunshine" in your hands—this is how one might describe this bouquet. An ideal combination of beige soap roses and bright chocolates wrapped in a chocolate-like package.


  • 5 beige soap roses
  • Ritter Sport chocolate
  • 2 bottles of Jack Daniel’s 0.05
  • Ferrero Rocher chocolates
MDL 653
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A "chocolate sunshine" in your hands—this is how one might describe this bouquet. An ideal combination of beige soap roses and bright chocolates wrapped in a chocolate-like package.


  • 5 beige soap roses
  • Ritter Sport chocolate
  • 2 bottles of Jack Daniel’s 0.05
  • Ferrero Rocher chocolates

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