Personalized Gift Box
Personalized Gift Box
Personalized Gift Box
Personalized Gift Box
Personalized Gift Box
Personalized Gift Box
Personalized Gift Box
Personalized Gift Box
Personalized Gift Box
Personalized Gift Box
Personalized Gift Box
Personalized Gift Box
Personalized Gift Box
Personalized Gift Box

Personalized Gift Box


No one knows your loved ones better than yourself!

Tell us about your preferences - and we will assemble a personalized set, taking into account all your wishes. You can add to the set any product that is already on our website or suggest something entirely new.

In the photos there are a few examples of the gift boxes that we created for our customers.

! In order to use this service, write to us and we will help you with the choice, as well as calculate the cost of the order.

MDL 560
Express delivery
No tax
Out of stock

No one knows your loved ones better than yourself!

Tell us about your preferences - and we will assemble a personalized set, taking into account all your wishes. You can add to the set any product that is already on our website or suggest something entirely new.

In the photos there are a few examples of the gift boxes that we created for our customers.

! In order to use this service, write to us and we will help you with the choice, as well as calculate the cost of the order.

Data sheet
