A bouquet of soap roses in a basket in delicate colors photo
A bouquet of soap roses in a basket in delicate colors photo

Bouquet of Soap Roses "Eternal Love"

An incredibly delicate bouquet for a special occasion, whether it's a birthday, March 8th, or a gift without a reason. The bouquet is made of soap roses with a magical property—they never wither. Your loved ones will be delighted by the gentle shades of creamy and beige roses framed with a golden border, and the elegant woven basket with a pearl string will be the perfect finishing touch to the composition.

MDL 890
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An incredibly delicate bouquet for a special occasion, whether it's a birthday, March 8th, or a gift without a reason. The bouquet is made of soap roses with a magical property—they never wither. Your loved ones will be delighted by the gentle shades of creamy and beige roses framed with a golden border, and the elegant woven basket with a pearl string will be the perfect finishing touch to the composition.
